Entry points

There are several ways to open a trace debugger:

1. Debug a Process or a block by sending #debugTrace to it:

[4 / 6] debugTrace.
[4 / 6] newProcess debugTrace.

You can also send #traceAndDebug to start with a complete trace (instead of tracing the program lazily as you step through it):

[4 / 6] traceAndDebug.
[4 / 6] newProcess traceAndDebug.

2. In a normal debugger, press the new Trace It button on the right. This will replace the debugger with a trace debugger and was considered the most convenient entry point by testers.

3. To trace entire world cycles in Morphic, drop a tracer button in the world and click it:

TraceDebugger exampleWorldCyclesFor: 5 seconds.

For more inspiration, browse all invocation examples.